Save The Nuke | Third Person Shooter

Save The Nuke | Third Person Shooter

Save The Nuke | Third Person Shooter

Pink Flower




About The Project…

"Save The Nuke" is my latest project created using Unreal Engine 5, a thrilling third-person shooter game designed to fully exploit the engine's cutting-edge capabilities. As the sole developer, I meticulously crafted every aspect of the game, from its mechanics to its environment design, harnessing the power of the Lumen lighting system to infuse the game with realism.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, players assume the role of a special operative on a mission to avert a nuclear catastrophe. The game features a meticulously detailed environment that immerses players in a captivating gaming experience. The utilization of Unreal Engine 5's Lumen lighting system adds depth to the world, with lifelike shadows, reflections, and dynamic lighting that react to player actions.

The game mechanics, including shooting and movement, are developed using a blend of Blueprints and C++, ensuring a seamless and responsive gameplay experience. I crafted the AI character logic from scratch, integrating elements from various Unreal Engine 5 frameworks to enhance the game's challenge and immersion.

"Save The Nuke" presents players with formidable enemies and obstacles, necessitating strategic thinking and skillful tactics to overcome. Overall, this project serves as a testament to my expertise as a game developer, showcasing my proficiency in creating intricate game mechanics, detailed environments, and leveraging advanced engine features like the Lumen lighting system to deliver a top-tier gaming experience.

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